Camp at Knoxville TN 1998
"Never would I have had an opportunity to perform with such a diverse, talented and beautiful group of woman, and I was honored to be a part of such an incredible team. I am blessed to have learned so much from everyone that I worked with from 97 through 02. Thanks for giving me so many wonderful memories. I will always be proud of the time we spent on the field, on the court and on an 18-hour bus ride home from Memphis! My thoughts and prayers will forever be with Jen S, Cortnie, Jen P, Lauren, Nekesha, Cristina, Starla, Tara R., Amanda S, Fiola, Amanda R, Talia, Shelli, Wendy, Cheryl, Dina, Kellie, Jennette, Latrice, Lori, Bri, Nicole, Lakesha, Stacia, Ashley, Kristin F., Loren, Charissa, the 'Dolls of '00 and '01, Gary "Honk for Hooties" Jimenez (Camp '97) and Coach Extraordinaire Kristen Shoesmith!"
Dance Association Collegiate Dance Camp, Aug. 1998, Univ. of Tennessee
at Knoxville. Pictured from L to R: Nekesha G., LaKesha B., Wendy G., Lauren
S., Kelly K. and Loren S.
1999 Football Game,
Raymond James Stadium. Pictured from L to R are: Bri H., Loren S.,
Danielle P.,
Jennette H., Nekesha G., Ashley P.
"My fondest memories were when we went to camp during the summer and the 2nd year I was on the team and met some wonderful girls ;) I had a ball doing Sundolls and it gave me a foundation for where I am today!"
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